Here’s your personalized report
For each of the strategies, Catherine Boulos, psychologist, will guide you to a selection of experts' advices adapted to your needs.
How is your morale these days?
I’m struggling
I’m having a tough time
Not bad, but things could be better
I’m doing well
I'm doing great!
How is your energy level these days?
I'm out of juice
I’m often tired
I’m managing but can’t keep this up
I have good energy
I’m bursting with energy!
Click on the gestures to get resources that can help you.
Strategies to boost your morale and your energy.
I compliment or thank someone every day
I smile and make at least one person smile every day (even when wearing a mask)
I choose to surround myself primarily with people who make me feel good
I talk to at least one person a day about things unrelated to work
I help others
I use deep breathing to calm myself
Every day I take at least one “anti-stress break,” during which I do something that relaxes me or makes me feel good
I’m able to stay in the present (rather than dwell on the past or look ahead to the future)
I stay informed while limiting my exposure to media that features negative news stories
I go outdoors and connect with nature
I know how to apply stress-reduction techniques
I take a moment every day to monitor my morale and energy level
My actions and decisions are consistent with my values
I let myself experience unpleasant or difficult emotions (anger, sadness, fear, discouragement) without minimizing them or making negative self-judgements
When I experience a difficult emotion, I explore what lays behind it
I talk about my emotions and challenges
I’m not shy about asking for support (from someone close to me or a professional) when my morale is low or I’m facing challenges
I’m able to focus on the positive impacts of difficult situations
Every day, I can name one positive thing that happened to me
I make sure to laugh every day
Every day I take the time to list three things I appreciate in my life
Every day I take the time to celebrate my achievements
I have realistic goals about what I want to accomplish during the day, and I meet them
I limit my screen time to enjoy a greater variety of leisure activities
I organize my day so that I have the time and energy to do the things that recharge me (hobbies, friends, family, “me time,” etc.)
I have a set routine that includes tasks, leisure time and socializing
I avoid screens in the hour before going to bed
I have fairly consistent sleep habits (bedtime, nighttime routine)
I fall asleep quite easily
I don’t wake up more than once during the night and I fall back asleep easily
I wake up in the morning feeling rested
I have a good sleep environment (calm, dark, well-ventilated)
When I’m doing a seated activity, I make sure to stand up at least once an hour (mini-break)
I go outside at least once a day, regardless of the weather
I move every day (walking, dancing, stretching)
I do at least 2.5 hours of moderate or intense exercise per week (brisk walking, running, cycling, snowshoeing)
I use active transportation (walking, cycling, taking the stairs) when possible
I have fairly consistent eating habits (e.g., three meals a day)
I have a healthy and balanced diet
I spend at least 20 minutes eating each meal
I eat without a screen
Most of what I eat is home-cooked
Click on the strategy you are ready to put into action.
Strategies to boost your morale and your energy.
I compliment or thank someone every day
I smile and make at least one person smile every day (even when wearing a mask)
I choose to surround myself primarily with people who make me feel good
I talk to at least one person a day about things unrelated to work
I help others
I use deep breathing to calm myself
Every day I take at least one “anti-stress break,” during which I do something that relaxes me or makes me feel good
I’m able to stay in the present (rather than dwell on the past or look ahead to the future)
I stay informed while limiting my exposure to media that features negative news stories
I go outdoors and connect with nature
I know how to apply stress-reduction techniques
I take a moment every day to monitor my morale and energy level
My actions and decisions are consistent with my values
I let myself experience unpleasant or difficult emotions (anger, sadness, fear, discouragement) without minimizing them or making negative self-judgements
When I experience a difficult emotion, I explore what lays behind it
I talk about my emotions and challenges
I’m not shy about asking for support (from someone close to me or a professional) when my morale is low or I’m facing challenges
I’m able to focus on the positive impacts of difficult situations
Every day, I can name one positive thing that happened to me
I make sure to laugh every day
Every day I take the time to list three things I appreciate in my life
Every day I take the time to celebrate my achievements
I have realistic goals about what I want to accomplish during the day, and I meet them
I limit my screen time to enjoy a greater variety of leisure activities
I organize my day so that I have the time and energy to do the things that recharge me (hobbies, friends, family, “me time,” etc.)
I have a set routine that includes tasks, leisure time and socializing
I avoid screens in the hour before going to bed
I have fairly consistent sleep habits (bedtime, nighttime routine)
I fall asleep quite easily
I don’t wake up more than once during the night and I fall back asleep easily
I wake up in the morning feeling rested
I have a good sleep environment (calm, dark, well-ventilated)
When I’m doing a seated activity, I make sure to stand up at least once an hour (mini-break)
I go outside at least once a day, regardless of the weather
I move every day (walking, dancing, stretching)
I do at least 2.5 hours of moderate or intense exercise per week (brisk walking, running, cycling, snowshoeing)
I use active transportation (walking, cycling, taking the stairs) when possible
I have fairly consistent eating habits (e.g., three meals a day)
I have a healthy and balanced diet
I spend at least 20 minutes eating each meal
I eat without a screen
Most of what I eat is home-cooked
Si le besoin se fait ressentir, voici un rappel de ressources à votre disposition afin de vous soutenir pour prendre soin de votre santé mentale et de celle de vos proches.
Programme d'aide aux employés (PAE)
24 h sur 24, 7 jours sur 7
Solutions Mieux-être LifeWorks
Info-social Laurentides
811, option 2
Centre prévention suicide faubourg
1 866 APPELLE (277-3553)
1 800 263-2266 (téléphone)
514 600-1002 (texto)
L’Appui pour les proches aidants
1 855 852-7784
Mouvement santé mentale Québec
Si le besoin se fait ressentir, voici un rappel de ressources à votre disposition afin de vous soutenir pour prendre soin de votre santé mentale et de celle de vos proches.
Info-social Laurentides
811, option 2
Centre prévention suicide faubourg
1 866 APPELLE (277-3553)
1 800 263-2266 (téléphone)
514 600-1002 (texto)
Service d’écoute sans frais, confidentiel, anonyme et sans conseils*
514 935-1101
Mouvement santé mentale Québec
Has this test made you feel good?
What did you appreciate the most?
This week, I take care of myself!
Download your report in PDF
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